Hey, everyone! Thank you so much for stopping by! I finally started my own website! This is so exciting for me! I have been thinking and talking about this for a while. But now it is happening!
Let me tell you a little about why this means so much to me. I have been crafting most of my life. Crafting is therapeutic and incredibly fun for me. It offers me ways to express myself, chances to explore, growing opportunites, and so much more. Also, I am never bored as long as I have projects to work on (which I always do)! So I have always been a crafter. But if you are a crafter, then you understand that eventually, you have to figure out what to do with all your creations. Some I would give as gifts. Sometimes people offered to pay me for some of the things I made. Eventually, it lead to me wanting to sell my crafts. Also, craft supplies could get expensive, so I needed funding for my growing addiction! I have tried different ways to share and sell my creations, but was not really happy with most of those. I really wanted to do things my way, which I'm sure most of you can identify with. I really wanted my own site so that I could make that happen, but was always scared to try. After much growth, re-assuring (from my friends and family and myself), her I am!
But this site is about much more than just selling my creations. Yes, obviously, that is a goal of mine. But also, I really want the opportunity to share my art with as many people as I can. I want to share the joys, the frustrations, the processes, the beauty, the messes, all of it with people. My hope is that I will inspire others to try something new too, whether it is art or something else. I also want to have fun connecting with and learning from others too.
Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing some of your time with me. That means more than you know! Have a blessed day and I hope you stop by again soon!
Love it!!!