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Week One Check-In

Hello, hello, hello! So glad you came back!

It's been a whole week since my site went live. This is so exciting for me! I'd say that my first week has been pretty succesful. I am currently working on a custom order (woop woop!), I got quite a few views, and, most importantly, I got to connect with you! I am so grateful for all the love all of you have shown me this week. It's very encouraging to see the interest you've shown in my work. You are so awesome! Thank you!

Here's a little of what's been going on in my world this week:

I finished this little beauty as per a special request

You may recognize her from one of my listings that are still available! This is an example of what I mean when I say that you can customize something.

Some progress on my custom order:

I also finished a special project for someone. But I don't want to post any pictures until they see it. Stay tuned for that!

That's it for now. Thanks for coming back to visit. Let me know if there is anything you would be interested in seeing here (such as videos, tutuorials, instructions for special projects, project ideas, etc...).

Also, I will leave you with a small challenge this week:

This week's challenge is to show me a picture of what you do for a hobby or for fun. It doesn't have to be crafty or anything specific. I just want to see what kind of things you like to do! Leave a picture in the comments. I look forward to seeing what you like to do! Thank you!!!

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